Saturday, 21 January 2012

The Mild Geese.

From where I live there are two possible routes to my Son and Daughter-in-Law’s house and ,depending on traffic flow, there is not a lot in it time wise. One route means urban driving for about half the time to get onto a 70mph road, the other is mostly dual carriageways either 40 or 50 mph with a short bit of urban driving at the other end, I tend to favour the second of these.

I was happily driving along the 50mph stretch of the route, just slowed as I approached a roundabout, when I saw traffic stationary at the exit I was taking, the road ahead of the stopped cars was clear, so I was a bit bemused (yes it doesn’t take a lot I know!) surely two cars could not have broken down simultaneously blocking both lanes.

No, it was not driver or car causing the delay, as I edged closer I could see the cause of the traffic hold up, there were five geese slowly walking across the carriageway in single file, heads held high and clearly in no hurry at all.

They definately had no concern about being in any imminent danger and I would have said they were oblivious to the traffic, except that I caught the eye of the last goose as the traffic began to move again and I swear he smirked at me!

Is this then wild goose jam!!

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