Sunday, 19 February 2012

To Kill a Mocking Book

So whilst the wait is on, and it may be a long one, for the next book in the Song of Fire and Ice. Random thought years ago Torvill and Dean did an amazing show called Fire and Ice, maybe it inspired George Martin! Anyhow whilst we wait to find out what happens next, who will ride the other dragons, who is really dead and who not so much, who is alive as we know it and who still exists but not as a human being, I thought I’d give The Hunger Games a go. The film is out towards the end of next month and I found out about it on a promo trailer whilst at the cinema, said I fancied seeing it and my daughter-in-law told me it was based on a trilogy of books.

So I have read the first two and am already really hoping that they have made a good job of the first film so that they can make the other two books as well, unless of course they have done a condense job and wound it all up into one film, I really hope not.

I’m not going to say much because there is not a lot that you can say without spoilers but it is a very easy read, more depth of angst to the teenage heroine than Harry Potter but way, way less than twilight!

It has a topical premise, that of a reality show, kind of The Running Man meets Rollerball and we all like a good dystopia where the poor really suffer and the rich lead indulgent self-absorbed lives oblivious to the pain of the masses in third world conditions.

Oh wait, that’s the real world today!

May the Odds be Ever in your Favour!

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