Thursday, 21 June 2012

Quirky Qwerty

So in the Bank this morning, no the Bank Manager hadn’t called me in to speak sternly to me, just doing a little bit of money laundering, no don’t phone the authorities that was a joke!

Anyway, the personal banker, who was a nice young man, was typing away on the computer keyboard and I was both amazed and fascinated to see that he was typing with just a couple of fingers on one hand and only one finger on the other. No I am not being disablist, he did actually have the full compliment, just wasn't using them! 

Now I did have some touch typing lessons, about 40 years ago, but I am very bad and, although I do use more than two fingers to type, I move my hands far too much and use the wrong fingers for the keys, unless I really concentrate, but it is slow and harder work, so I don’t stick at it.

However I am genuinely surprised, given the fact that the kids these days are put on computers at school from about three, that they are not taught to touch type, the old quicker qwerty way.

Given the angle this young man was holding his hands as he typed I’ll give him another few years and he will be well on the way to repetitive strain injury, to say nothing of carpal tunnel and arthritis.

We definitely need a campaign to teach children to type correctly and safely

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