Monday, 31 October 2011

The Hoarse Whisperer.

Due to more than a touch of laryngitis in the family home, meaning that excursions other than to work and to buy food, have been curtailed, we have been spending far too much time watching Fringe. Silently watching it for the most part I might add, as conversation has been somewhat one-sided. Now don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing that I like more than the sound of my own voice, except when it is recorded of course at which point it bears no resemblance at all to the voice I hear in my head.
I digress, so with no one to argue the toss with me I have formed a hypothesis that Fringe type activities do wonders for your appearance. In the first series Blair Brown, I thought, looked her age, in a good way I mean as I’m not a fan of the plasticised look so many of the celebs of my generation go for. Series two gave us the flashback to the characters younger days, where faces were smoothed a bit for authenticity, but not to the extent of Jeff Bridges regression in Tron Legacy, anybody else think his regressed image looked as if it could have come off the Starman set?
Digressing again, so we had the great flashback and then we jumped forward again and yet she still looked a little smoothed to me. Now I’m not suggesting she had a bit of work done between series one and two, but if she did it was well done as she doesn’t look plastic, of course it may just be the newly discovered scientific light bulbs in Massive Dynamic that refracts the light in such a way to be a window to your face ten years ago.
If it’s not classified do you think I can pick up a couple of those bulbs in Wilko’s?

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