Monday, 17 October 2011

Que Sera Sera, What Will It Be?

Letters are addressed to someone and are written specifically with them in mind, they may share some of the information with other people but basically it is a private communication. The blog however is just “out there” and once “posted” ceases to be your private thoughts, of course maybe no-one will read it but anyone could.

So what do you write, what are the boundaries for those of us who do not subscribe to the Jeremy Kyle life expose experience?
What is the Litmus test? Something you would tell strangers on planes, trains, and automobiles, things you would share at work (if you had the time), or the sort of stuff you pontificate about at social gatherings when the hosts wine has flowed a little too freely (you know who you are!) or something that won’t embarrass the children or grandchildren.

I guess for me all of the above, except the embarrassing the kids, ‘cos let’s be honest there is no way I am ever going to avoid that!

What should it aim to be comedy, tragedy, drama, intrigue, pathos? Should the tone be “Saga!” or “Meldrew” of course it could well end up being a total farce!

The decision is I will be writing to you, yes you, whoever you are, perhaps a very special person to me, or an acquaintance or possibly a poor unsuspecting and unwary stranger. So if you are bothering to read this hello and welcome to my world (or blog)!

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