Sunday, 18 March 2012

The Right Knife.

I am waiting patiently for the Hunger Games to go on general release, really looking forward to seeing how it comes out on the big screen.

I am also hoping that the violence and killing is not too graphic, yes, I know it is not an 18 but neither was Zulu and I never could watch that!

When I was a youngster we had penknives, I was in the Girl Guides and it went along with my Lanyard and whistle, but they really were a tool not a weapon. Okay, so I never did use the thing for getting stones out of horse’s hooves, but to be fair there weren’t a lot of horses around the local rec!

I did use the screwdriver quite a lot and the knife for whittling and making play spears.

However probably the most dangerous thing I ever did with my penknife was to use the blade to ease off the cover of my watch to see how it worked!!

Not a good idea in those days when that tightly coiled spring and all those tiny little cogs and wheels were so delicately balanced in their rightful places!!!!!

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