Friday, 30 December 2011

A Blast from the Past.

Well, it has been and gone, and a very good one it was too, hence my absence from writing for a while! Family, friends, very good food, plenty of tasty drinks, pina colada was the cocktail of choice this year, and some pretty amazing presents made it a great week for me and those around me, thanks for the memory.

It is, of course, a time to think of those we haven’t seen for some time, I find as I get older I especially wonder about relatives and friends that no longer form part of our usual daily lives, people that have not been seen for years, yet because of past memories hold a place in my heart.

I usually send a Christmas letter out to those people in case they are wondering what this year has brought for me and mine in the same way as I wonder what the year has brought for them and theirs and I am always delighted when similar letters arrive at our house.

This year was especially good as I received news from two cousins about what was going on for them and one of them also included info about her siblings.
There was also news from several friends who regularly send a Christmas update and this year I was very pleasantly surprised upon returning to work to find an e-mail from old friends that I had not heard from properly for a very long time.

It had been one of those when do you let it go scenarios, I had continued sending birthday cards, presents, letters etc. but getting no response for a while I had decided that the investment, just wasn’t worth the return (I mean emotionally not fiscally!) and it was time to move on when last year, out of the blue, a Christmas card arrived with a note inside and a promise to get back in touch properly after the holiday period was over.

I dropped a note back in January with an anniversary card and some of our news. Birthday cards went out in April and June and still the promised contact did not come, so when I sent this years Christmas card and letter for some reason I put a return to sender note on the back in case they had moved.

Well it didn’t come back, at least it hasn’t yet! But surprise, surprise when I opened their e-mailed Christmas letter they had moved this winter to Spain!

Spooky intuition or what!

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