Monday, 12 December 2011

When a Special Child is Born.

I was moved by a re-working of the night before Christmas poem that was written by a parent and published on a site related to autism. It was found by an in-law and passed along. There are many different special children in the world, some the medical and educational professionals slot easily into nice little boxes that can be conveniently labelled, others fall outside the boxes until, as the years go by, new boxes are erected.
If you have a special child in your family the boxes are only helpful if by opening one you find the right support and tools to help your child to fulfil his/her full potential, to help them live as well and happily as they can, in other words to give them the best quality of life that is possible. Of course if your child falls outside any accepted ‘label’ or outside of the criteria for entry to the ‘box’ 9 times out of 10 you are on your own and then the judgemental attitude and lack of understanding of others really hits home.
I was Portage trained back in the stone-age, 1981ish, when it was first brought over to this country and was I was sold on the simplicity and efficacy of the system, we saw such amazing results in such a short time I can still remember how good it felt.
I know it is still around but don’t know how it has evolved or devolved over the years but I would certainly recommend checking it out.

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